MAY 8, 1894

Archive for the ‘Warren Buffett’ Category

Recent Margin Calls & Forced Selling

In Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett on October 20, 2008 at 1:36 am

“American Express at the time was the only major U.S. public company to be capitalized as a joint stock company rather than a limited liability company. This meant its shareholders could be assessed for deficiencies in capital. ‘So every trust department in the U.S. panicked,’ recalls Buffett. ‘I remember the Continental Bank held over 5 percent of the company, and all of a sudden not only do they see that the trust accounts were going to have stock worth zero, but they could get assessed. The stock just poured out, of course, and the market got slightly inefficient for a short period of time.’”
-The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

The main issue that confronts investment academics, and particularly confronts you as investors, is the question: To what extent are stock prices efficient? My views on this subject are pretty well known to all of you; I am not going to elaborate them. I believe that the endeavor to outperform unmanaged stock indexes is not on the whole a satisfactory activity.

One premise of efficient market theory is suspect, however, viz., that market participants always buy and sell on the basis of economic value. The recent convulsion in stock prices has led to margin calls of notable size in the following securities:

XL Capital
Chesapeake Energy

P.S. I intend to update my essay on corporate earning power and market valuation as new data arise. In any event it is quite obvious that the current level of stock prices is more attractive than it has been for some time. While the arbitrage situations have performed well as projected, I believe that a shift in investment policy may be due.

Mueller Water (MWA) & Mueller Water (MWA.B): Relative Value Arbitrage Opportunity

In Arbitrage, Long-Term Capital Management, Warren Buffett on September 30, 2008 at 10:23 am


Since Monday morning the “A” Share / “B” Share spread has fallen from $2.40 to $1.54. This decline is indeed significant, but anything lesser would also have yielded an infinite return on capital.

The author of a recent column suggests purchasing one “B” Share for every “A” Share sold short. This would generate a large loss if Mueller Water were to advance, regardless of whether the spread narrows. (Consider what would happen if MWA and MWA.B were to double from their current quotes.) The correct procedure is to purchase and short sell an equivalent dollar amount of both classes.


Mueller Water “B” Shares are roughly 30% cheaper than the comparable “A” Shares. This spread—almost historically high—may have resulted from forced selling by arbitrageurs. Of course the impersonality of the securities market makes it difficult to identify causation in such a case.

“In your investing life you will have one or two opportunities that can’t go wrong. For example, in 1998 the New York Fed offered a 30-year Treasury bond yielding less than the 29-½ year Treasury bonds by 30 basis points. LTCM put a trade on at 10 basis points and it was a crowded trade; they were 100% certain to make money but they could not afford any hiccups. I know more about human nature; these were MIT grads, really smart guys, and they almost toppled the system with their highly leveraged trading. This was definitely a good time to act.”
-Warren Buffett

Constellation Energy Group (CEG) & Constellation Energy Group Options (LLJAE): Covered Call Opportunity

In Arbitrage, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett on September 29, 2008 at 2:34 pm

At $19 per share, CEG is trading 40% below the offer price stipulated in its merger agreement with MidAmerican Energy. It appears intelligent to buy CEG in round lots and to sell a corresponding number of $25 call options. One-fourth of the premium received constitutes “free money,” and the investor’s cost basis can be reduced to $17 per share.

Constellation Energy Group (CEG): Arbitrage Opportunity

In Arbitrage, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett on September 19, 2008 at 10:35 am


It appears prudent to sell now as CEG’s last quote is a dollar above the stipulated offer price.


The public utility subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway will acquire Constellation Energy Group for $26.50 in cash—18% higher than the last quote. A synopsis of the company’s operations can be found here: 

Highlights From Security Analysis Sixth Edition: Seth Klarman & David Abrams

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Carl Icahn, Ivan Boesky, Net Current Asset Value, Security Analysis, Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett on September 18, 2008 at 10:19 pm

The sixth edition of Security Analysis is a strange amalgamation of Graham’s original work (styled in British English) and new commentary from prominent value-oriented investors (in American English). I find it impossible to read fluidly. Nonetheless the contributors make a strong independent showing, especially Seth Klarman and his protégé, David Abrams. They argue—as I have done in numerous essays—that market inefficiencies are smaller in magnitude and frequency than before.

I am especially pleased that both men acknowledge the hedging opportunities present in derivative securities. This has become my favorite area of study and action—and one that appears unlikely to be outmoded soon. (Elsewhere, I have found much of the “value investing” philosophy to be comparatively inadequate.)

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The “Missing” Berkshire Hathaway Letters (1969-1976)

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett Partnership, Charlie Munger, Net Current Asset Value, Security Analysis, Victor Niederhoffer, Warren Buffett on August 25, 2008 at 5:33 pm

There is a conspicuous gap between the last Buffett Partnership letter, written in 1969, and the first Berkshire Hathaway letter posted on the company’s website, written in 1978. Recently I discovered several of the “missing” documents.

A consistent theme in Buffett’s early management of Berkshire is that capital from the textile operation was best redeployed in either marketable securities or business acquisitions. From 1969 to 1977 the textile operation averaged a return on capital of less than 3%, while the insurance and banking subsidiaries averaged well above 10%. Buffett’s refusal to shut down the Berkshire mills resulted in an immense opportunity cost compounded over nearly 20 years.

The moral seems to be that basing investment solely upon asset value (quite significant in Berkshire’s case) is not intelligent. This was a rewarding activity when security analysis was in its infancy, but a great deal has changed since then. One of the best criticisms of the “Graham approach”—which involves net working capital bargains, classic arbitrage, etc.—can be found in Victor Niederhoffer’s The Education of a Speculator:

“On the rare occasion when a true guru shares secrets of a recurring, well-defined systematic nature, the cycles are about to change. Better to go against. What looks good today is encapsulated in the market tomorrow and will change the expected profits, the probabilities, and the paths of least resistance in subsequent periods. A good bet is that all systems will stop working when you use them.”

This criticism extends to merger arbitrage, convertible arbitrage and liquidations, as well as to other approaches that are less systematic. Recent experience suggests that even value-oriented investors are unsafe.

Relative Value Strategies & Market Efficiency

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Buffett Partnership, Long-Term Capital Management, Security Analysis, Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett on August 18, 2008 at 6:46 pm

Recently I studied the prospectus for Royal Dutch’s 2005 exchange offer. On page 47 it reads:

“The historical trading relationship between Royal Dutch ordinary shares (RDA) and Shell Transport ordinary shares (SHEL) has broadly matched the 60/40 interests set forth in 1907. When this relationship has deviated from parity, it appears to have done so for reasons external to the Royal Dutch/Shell Group, such as index inclusion, relative index performance and taxation changes.”

From 1986 to 2005, the market capitalization of RDA as a percentage of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group averaged 61.72.

This mispricing per se does not prove that security prices are inefficient. The short sale of RDA and simultaneous purchase of SHEL had been consistently profitable, with one exception: in 1998 it cost Long-Term Capital Management several hundred million dollars. In the case of closed-end fund arbitrage, which involves the purchase of fund shares below NAV and the short sale of underlying portfolio securities, the magnitude of mispricing is correlated with the difficulty of finding shares to short sell. These two cases vindicate efficient market hypothesis as I understand it. While mispricings exist, they are either too risky, too costly or too difficult to exploit.

Relative value strategies, however, do not need to be narrowly defined as the type practiced by LTCM, West End Capital (a Buffett investee) or Salomon Brothers. Early this year I effected a relative value hedge by purchasing $3,000 worth of Genesco and $3,000 worth of Finish Line. My initial success has given me a strong interest in specialized operations of this kind—among other things, I have concluded that money can be made both conservatively and plentifully by buying two common stocks which analysis shows to be inconsistently discounting the chance of one major event. This is an unpopular strategy but one that seems to be entirely logical. In the mid-1960s, Warren Buffett practiced a more common variant:

“‘Generals – Relatively Undervalued’ – this category consists of securities selling at prices relatively cheap compared to securities of the same general quality. We demand substantial discrepancies from current valuation standards, but (usually because of large size) do not feel value to a private owner to be a meaningful concept. It is important in this category, of course, that apples be compared to apples – and not to oranges, and we work hard at achieving that end. In the great majority of cases we simply do not know enough about the industry or company to come to sensible judgments – in that situation we pass.

“As mentioned earlier, this new category has been growing and has produced very satisfactory results. We have recently begun to implement a technique which gives promise of very substantially reducing the risk from an overall change in valuation standards; e.g., we buy something at 12 times earnings when comparable or poorer quality companies sell at 20 times earnings, but then a major revaluation takes place so the latter only sell at 10 times. This risk has always bothered us enormously because of the helpless position in which we could be left compared to the “Generals – Private Owner” or “Workouts” types. With this risk diminished, we think this category has a promising future.”

This technique was well suited to the “Nifty Fifty” era, when for instance GM sold at a large premium to Ford, despite nearly identical operating metrics. A great deal has changed since then. First, it is almost impossible to find two corporations similar enough in their operations to be comparable (even Coca-Cola and Pepsi are quite different); and second, the speculative component that caused divergent valuations in the 1960s is no longer present.

Nonetheless I believe that low-risk relative value opportunities will arise from time to time—perhaps once a year.

Benjamin Graham: Method of Operation

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Net Current Asset Value, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on July 7, 2008 at 2:13 am

Judging by the track records of analysts, money managers, OPMIs, bloggers, etc., the endeavor to select issues with above average expectancy is not on the whole a satisfactory activity. It is successful at times and it is unsuccessful at other times, but on balance it does not pay. The work of many intelligent minds engaged in this field becomes self-neutralizing and self-defeating given equal access to information.

Ben Graham’s superior performance is due at bottom to his preference for obscure situations and techniques. I have excerpted relevant sections of his memoir:

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Security Analysis: Sixth Edition Coming in September

In Benjamin Graham, Charlie Munger, Joel Greenblatt, Martin Whitman, Net Current Asset Value, Security Analysis, Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett on June 30, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Sound investment policy will by its terms yield satisfactory performance over many years and through various market conditions. One of the first books to outline such a policy was Graham & Dodd’s Security Analysis. Some of its key points: (1) fixed income obligations must be viewed “from the standpoint of calamity,” i.e. normalized EBIT should cover interest payments by at least seven times; (2) preferred shares lack both the safety of bonds and the appreciation potential of common shares and should thus be purchased only at large discounts from par, when they are “friendless;” (3) net working capital approximates the minimum liquidating value of a business; thus common stocks selling below net working capital and showing a satisfactory record of earnings are likely to be attractive bargain purchases; (4) common stocks should be valued from the standpoint of a private owner, since companies selling below this value are likely to be purchased by a private owner; (5) hedging and arbitrage commitments fall within the scope of intelligent investment; and (6) the investor should allocate less of his portfolio to common stocks when the market is high, based on various technical standards. These rules have withstood major financial developments over nearly 75 years—due at bottom to Graham’s emphasis on quantity, measurement and utility.

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Mathematical Expectation of Securities

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Bill Ackman, Charlie Munger, Joel Greenblatt, Martin Whitman, Net Current Asset Value, Security Analysis, Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett on June 22, 2008 at 3:44 am

My observation has been that analysts, money managers, OPMIs, bloggers, etc., cannot consistently select issues with above-market returns. I believe this is due to a feature inherent to all parimutuel systems, viz., calculations of expectancy should vary only slightly from one person to another—with any major difference resulting from some unknowable factor. The selection of securities is often akin to a shell game.

We should not conclude from this that securities markets are strong-form efficient. On the contrary, investors with access to material non-public information have earned high returns without bearing commensurately high risk. In 1925 Ben Graham learned that Northern Pipeline—selling at only $65 per share—had “$95 in cash assets for each share, nearly all of which it could distribute to stockholders without the slightest inconvenience to its operations.” Major brokerage firms were never aware of this information; Graham found it at the Interstate Commerce Commission in Washington, D.C. A more recent example is Bill Ackman’s MBIA short position, which is predicated on special knowledge of reserve adequacy, unusual insurance transactions, etc. (Ackman supposedly went through 140,000 pages of internal documents.)

Allied to the foregoing are situations involving neglect of public information. This has been especially persistent in the field of distressed debt, where vulture investors profit from claimholders unwilling to interpret bankruptcy documents. (Seth Klarman, Michael Price and Marty Whitman owe a great portion of their returns to this activity—and not to common stock investments exclusively.) Many of the opportunities mentioned on tend to be neglected because they fall outside the scope of traditional equity investment.

I do not believe that passive “value investors” as a class will yield above-average returns by focusing on large U.S.-based companies. The investment community has wised up to the extent that apparent bargains now involve greater risk. This is a natural consequence of the increasing popularity of “value investing,” which seems to have reached an historical peak over the past few years. (Most worrisome is the crowding in such stocks as USG, SHLD, FMD and Mortgage Originator X, Y, Z.) You can take it as an axiom that strategies become less effective as they become more popular.

The really spectacular returns will come from investors who discover unpublicized or underpublicized inefficiencies. At present, auction-rate securities, distressed debt, arbitrage and certain Chinese stocks seem to offer the most favorable mathematical expectation.

“If the reader interjects that there must surely be large profits to be gained from the other players in the long run by a skilled individual who, unperturbed by the prevailing pastime, continues to purchase investments on the best genuine long-term expectations he can frame, he must be answered that there are, indeed, such serious-minded individuals. But we must also add that… investment based on genuine long-term expectation is so difficult today as to be scarcely practicable. He who attempts it must surely lead much more laborious days and run greater risks than he who tries to guess better than the crowd how the crowd will behave; and, given equal intelligence, he may make more disastrous mistakes.”
- J. M. Keynes

Integrity & Investment Performance

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, Security Analysis, Seth Klarman, Warren Buffett on May 11, 2008 at 11:13 pm

“Index funds are imperfect, but they provide the best outcome for most know-nothings, in order to avoid being misled by fools and liars.”

Charlie Munger

Investing is the process of putting money away now to be sure of getting more money back in the future. A good definition of success is the ability to earn a higher rate on one’s principal than commonly available. Ideally this would be achieved over at least a 10-year period, where the terminal level of the S&P 500 is the same as the starting point. An examination of investors’ track records shows that success, as so defined, is scarcely practicable; more than 90% of portfolio managers fail to earn excess returns consistently.

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Discounted Cash Flow Method Defective

In Benjamin Graham, Charlie Munger, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on April 11, 2008 at 3:14 pm

“Warren talks about these DCF models. I’ve never seen him do one.”
-Charlie Munger

One major defect of discounted cash flow models is that they draw attention away from the enterprise as a whole—involving certain magnitudes of sales, profits and invested capital. My observation has been that the basing of investment upon DCF valuations will on average not yield satisfactory results, when you take a census of operations over many years and including many companies. (One criticism that I have to offer of the Wall Street approach—which applies to security analysts, investment companies and everybody else—is that so little effort is made to keep track of what has happened in the large number of analyses that have been made year after year—how they actually worked out.)

Corporate Earning Power and Market Valuation

In Benjamin Graham, Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett Partnership, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on April 5, 2008 at 2:31 pm

I do not believe that anticipating stock market fluctuations is on the whole a satisfactory activity. The work of many intelligent minds constantly engaged in this field tends to be self-neutralizing and self-defeating over the years. (For example, Jim Cramer and Abby Joseph Cohen have been less reliable than the tossing of a coin.)

It is possible to know when stocks as a group are too high or too low. This can help investors determine what percentage of capital to deploy in arbitrage operations, which are insulated from market fluctuations, as opposed to generally undervalued securities.

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Charlie Munger: Turning $2 Million Into $2 Trillion

In Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on March 25, 2008 at 12:20 am

During the past two weeks I have “reverse engineered” some of Warren Buffett’s investments (Coca-Cola 1988, GEICO 1976, Washington Post 1973, Disney 1965). In each case, the qualitative factors were so compelling that quantitative analysis was comparatively unimportant. The following speech reveals how Charlie Munger gauges business quality (his inversion technique is helpful).

It is 1884 in Atlanta. You are brought, along with twenty others like you, before a rich and eccentric Atlanta citizen named Glotz. Both you and Glotz share two characteristics: first, you routinely use in problem solving the five helpful notions, and, second, you know all the elementary ideas in all the basic college courses, as taught in 1996. However, all discoverers and all examples demonstrating these elementary ideas come from dates transposed back before 1884. Neither you nor Glotz knows anything about anything that has happened after 1884.

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Economic Goodwill vs. Accounting Goodwill: “Good” Businesses vs. Mediocre Businesses

In Benjamin Graham, Berkshire Hathaway, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on March 8, 2008 at 3:06 am

Apparently, readers of the latest Berkshire letter have paid particular attention to a section titled “Businesses - The Great, the Good and the Gruesome.” I believe this enthusiasm is unwarranted, as Buffett essentially rehashes his thoughts on ideal business characteristics. “Goodwill and its Amortization,” from the 1983 letter, is more insightful (note that goodwill is no longer amortized):

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Statistical Bargains: Historical Perspective

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Buffett Partnership, Charlie Munger, Net Current Asset Value, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on February 12, 2008 at 3:54 am

In 1952, Warren Buffett made a concentrated bet on Western Insurance Securities. At two times earnings and half of book value, the stock had tremendous upside and no downside. An enterprising investor could easily find opportunities with similar mathematical expectation ((probability of loss x size of loss) + (probability of gain x size of gain)).

By 1967 Buffett realized that the situation had changed:

“Statistical bargains have tended to disappear over the years. This may be due to the constant combing and re-combing of investments that has occurred during the past twenty years, without an economic convulsion such as that of the ’30s to create a negative bias toward equities and spawn hundreds of new bargain securities. It may be due to the new growing social acceptance and usage of takeover bids which have a natural tendency to focus on bargain issues. It may be due to the exploding ranks of security analysts bringing forth an intensified scrutiny of issues far beyond what existed some years ago. Whatever the cause, the result has been the virtual disappearance of the bargain issue as determined quantitatively - and thereby of our bread and butter.”

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Buffett Partnership Letters: Lessons for Professional Investors

In Arbitrage, Benjamin Graham, Buffett Partnership, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on January 15, 2008 at 3:09 am

À la Lawrence Cunningham, I have rearranged the Buffett Partnership letters by topic. Pay particular attention to the final section—The Dearth of Bargains.


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The Cost of Insurance Float

In Berkshire Hathaway, Insurance, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on September 3, 2007 at 5:33 am

Combined ratios are the standard gauge of performance in the insurance industry. Yet the combined ratio relates only to underwriting profit and neglects income generated from the investment of premiums. Obviously short-tail insurers tend to have the most desirable combined ratios. If they don’t hold premiums long enough to make adequate investment income, they had better make an underwriting profit. It’s also obvious that a long-tail insurer, by having plenty of time to invest premiums, can compensate for mediocre underwriting with superior investment returns. In his 1996 annual letter, Warren Buffett cogitates over this point and proposes a useful gauge of performance:

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Vacation in Asia: A Search for Value

In Benjamin Graham, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on August 27, 2007 at 10:48 am

When I requested annual reports from HSBC and Charles Schwab, the employees took awhile to understand what I was asking. Evidently brokerage clients in Hong Kong do not read financial statements. One man even admitted that “Chinese people don’t look at the price paid; they buy whatever has been going up.” The investment environment is analogous to that of America in 1929. (Incidentally the margin requirement is also 10%.)

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Unearned Premium Reserve & Associated Valuation Errors

In Benjamin Graham, Insurance, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on August 6, 2007 at 6:49 am

Let’s say my annual car insurance premium with AIG is $2,000. On January 1, my entire payment goes on AIG’s balance sheet as an unearned premium liability, since coverage has not yet applied. (This is analogous to unearned revenue in non-insurance companies.) By July 1 this amount is reduced to $1,000, and by December 31 it is reduced to zero. Unearned premium thus becomes earned premium in a prorated fashion.

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Western Insurance Securities: Young Warren Buffett

In Insurance, Security Analysis, Warren Buffett on August 1, 2007 at 8:17 pm

In 2005, a group of students from the University of Kansas met with Warren Buffett. Their first question was whether he would still be able to earn investment returns of 50% annually. Buffett responded:

“Yes, I would still say the same thing today. In fact, we are still earning those types of returns on some of our smaller investments. The best decade was the 1950s; I was earning 50% plus returns with small amounts of capital. I could do the same thing today with smaller amounts. It would perhaps even be easier to make that much money in today’s environment because information is easier to access.

“You have to turn over a lot of rocks to find those little anomalies. You have to find the companies that are off the map - way off the map. You may find local companies that have nothing wrong with them at all. A company that I found, Western Insurance Securities, was trading for $3/share when it was earning $20/share! I tried to buy up as much of it as possible. No one will tell you about these businesses. You have to find them.”

Recently I was lucky enough to find an old article Buffett wrote about Western:


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